There's a saying we have in NLP that says that what we experience in our external world, is a direct reflection of that which is inside of us - in our internal world (our mind).
Find out how the contents of your fridge and wardrobe can be driving you mad in more ways than one...

The famous psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung, talked about how what we experience around us is a direct reflection of our own unconscious mind. Think about how your wardrobe, garage, refrigerator or attic may be a reflection of how you are thinking and feeling. My guess is that if your fridge is cluttered with out of date items, or you can't find that garment in your wardrobe then your mind may just be a little the same way too.
Many ancient cultures around the world say that life is like a river, always flowing and never standing still. Your body is like that with every cell constantly dancing to natures tune. You can even go further than that, all the way down to the sub-atomic particles that wiz around at dizzying speeds at the molecular level. Life is about movement and flow.
So by removing old and unwanted things from your closet, wardrobe, garages, attic, or fridge (or anywhere where else you like to store “stuff”), you can actually help de-clutter your unconscious mind and get things flowing again. Out with the old... in with the new!
SO HOW DO I DO THIS? you ask... Follow this link to find out the easy step by step process to declutter your environment and reap the rewards!