You’re sitting in traffic, it’s ten to nine and you’re at least 20 minutes away from work with no traffic, but this morning it’s bumper to bumper for as long as you can see. You woke up late after a restless night and you’ve already managed to spill coffee on your clean shirt – the one you specially chose for this particular day. Today at work you are meeting with the new team you have been put in charge of and now you’re going to be at least a good half an hour to 40 minutes late. “Great, what a way to start the week… it’s going to be one of those weeks… I just know it”, you say to yourself.
At this point most people get all wound up and start shouting at the windscreen in the hope that the traffic jam will just miraculously disappear. So you could either sit there getting angry asking yourself “why does this always happen to me?”, or you could calm yourself down by asking yourself a different question and change the way you feel inside.
It’s a really simple question and could be the most profound question you’ve ever asked yourself. Are you ready to learn one simple question that will allow you to regain control of your emotions, that can lower your heart rate and blood pressure and allow any negative emotion to subside and even just totally disappear? Then read on.