Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's Great About This?

Have you ever been in a situation where you say to yourself “why is this happening to me”, or “what did I do to deserve this?” Well here’s a simple technique that will have you seeing the problem in a different light.
You’re sitting in traffic, it’s ten to nine and you’re at least 20 minutes away from work with no traffic, but this morning it’s bumper to bumper for as long as you can see. You woke up late after a restless night and you’ve already managed to spill coffee on your clean shirt – the one you specially chose for this particular day. Today at work you are meeting with the new team you have been put in charge of and now you’re going to be at least a good half an hour to 40 minutes late. “Great, what a way to start the week… it’s going to be one of those weeks… I just know it”, you say to yourself.

At this point most people get all wound up and start shouting at the windscreen in the hope that the traffic jam will just miraculously disappear. So you could either sit there getting angry asking yourself “why does this always happen to me?”, or you could calm yourself down by asking yourself a different question and change the way you feel inside.

It’s a really simple question and could be the most profound question you’ve ever asked yourself. Are you ready to learn one simple question that will allow you to regain control of your emotions, that can lower your heart rate and blood pressure and allow any negative emotion to subside and even just totally disappear? Then read on.

Click here to find out how to do this quick and effective Technique!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Falling Asleep the Natural Way

Falling off to sleep is like falling in love – you can’t force it. It either happens or it doesn’t. Think about this for a minute, have you ever remembered falling asleep before? No. When your mind becomes silent and tranquil (and your body also relaxes), you just drift off easily and effortlessly to sleep.

When we are falling asleep, our brain waves naturally slow down in frequency from the beta level through alpha, theta and then delta. But how can your brain naturally slow down when you’re constantly thinking about things – grinding the gears of your mind round and round is not conducive to falling off to sleep.

So why does this happen? To answer that question, let’s touch briefly on where our thoughts come from. Thoughts, in the form of pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells and internal dialogue (self talk), are all generated from within us and come from our Unconscious Mind. Our Unconscious Mind is that part of our mind that:
  • Runs and preserves our body (fights bacteria, digests our food, beats our heart etc…),
  • Is the domain of the emotions (generates emotions – the good and the bad),
  • Stores all our beliefs, values and memories from our life,
  • Represses memories with unresolved negative emotions attached to them and
  • Presents these memories with unresolved negative emotions to the conscious mind for resolution.
“Wait! That’s what’s happening to me” I hear you say… which is happening at 1.35.am!

When you are thinking about something constantly, it’s just your Unconscious Mind wanting you to listen and learn something. In NLP, we believe that your Unconscious Mind has the answers you are looking for. It just wants to know you are listening and prepared to acknowledge what it is trying to tell you. That’s why it’s not letting you go to sleep yet.

With this technique you’re not necessarily going to resolve your problems right there and then, but just the fact that you are listening and respecting that part of you, it may just go ahead and resolve the issue all of it’s own accord. So if you are ready to learn this effective technique and gain the benefits... lets go!
Click Here to read the Process.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"The Prioritisor" - Time Management

Do you have a problem managing your time? Do you find there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done? Are you spending too much time doing things that aren’t so important and never getting the more urgent things done?

Imagine for a minute that you were able to use a simple technique that would help you feel a sense of achievement everyday. Just imagine getting all the urgent tasks of the week done on time and still have hours up your sleeve to do other things.

Sounds good right? Then read on.

Most people when they write “To Do” lists struggle to get everything done in one day and end up feeling a sense of failure – like they haven’t achieved anything! Have you ever experienced days like that? Often people try to get everything done in one day starting at the top of a list and trying to work their way down it without prioritising each task. Then they wonder after doing ‘heaps of stuff’ (that’s an NLP technical phrase by the way), why they feel like they haven’t achieved anything!

NLP is about having the end result or goal in mind before embarking any activity. It’s also about having a simple and effective strategy or step by step process for achieving excellence.

So here’s a really quick and simple way that I find helps me get what I need to get done during the day (and the week), and to feel good at the end of each day about achieving everything I set out to do.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Overcoming Overwhelm

A Mind Map of Your Life!

Our unconscious mind will not let us rest if we do not gain accomplishment or progress with our thoughts. It is said that we have over 90,000 thoughts a day and out of those 90,000, most of them we thought yesterday!

By not only writing down your thoughts, but also generalising your life into its different areas, this can stop you feeling overwhelmed for a number of reasons.

1. When we write down all of our thoughts and put them into different "life areas", we can become aware of how our thoughts are linked to others and so we realise we may not have as many things to do as we feel when these ideas are just floating around in our mind.

2. You may also find that you are buliding a great relationship between your unconscious mind and your conscious mind because when you start to write down what is in your conscious awareness you will then become susceptible to new ideas and concepts you may not have been initially aware of.

3. Writing down your thoughts and in this case also your goals and ideas, is a great way to "declutter" your mind. Once you have your thoughts on paper your unconscious mind will stop throwing too many thoughts your way that you won't be able to handle.

...so give it a go!

CLICK HERE to go to the simple process and to access the free template of a mind map.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

De-cluttering Your Environment

Could you improve the quality of your life simply by sorting out your wardrobe???
There's a saying we have in NLP that says that what we experience in our external world, is a direct reflection of that which is inside of us - in our internal world (our mind).

Find out how the contents of your fridge and wardrobe can be driving you mad in more ways than one...

The famous psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung, talked about how what we experience around us is a direct reflection of our own unconscious mind. Think about how your wardrobe, garage, refrigerator or attic may be a reflection of how you are thinking and feeling. My guess is that if your fridge is cluttered with out of date items, or you can't find that garment in your wardrobe then your mind may just be a little the same way too.

Many ancient cultures around the world say that life is like a river, always flowing and never standing still. Your body is like that with every cell constantly dancing to natures tune. You can even go further than that, all the way down to the sub-atomic particles that wiz around at dizzying speeds at the molecular level. Life is about movement and flow.

So by removing old and unwanted things from your closet, wardrobe, garages, attic, or fridge (or anywhere where else you like to store “stuff”), you can actually help de-clutter your unconscious mind and get things flowing again. Out with the old... in with the new!

SO HOW DO I DO THIS? you ask... Follow this link to find out the easy step by step process to declutter your environment and reap the rewards!