Imagine for a minute that you were able to use a simple technique that would help you feel a sense of achievement everyday. Just imagine getting all the urgent tasks of the week done on time and still have hours up your sleeve to do other things.

Most people when they write “To Do” lists struggle to get everything done in one day and end up feeling a sense of failure – like they haven’t achieved anything! Have you ever experienced days like that? Often people try to get everything done in one day starting at the top of a list and trying to work their way down it without prioritising each task. Then they wonder after doing ‘heaps of stuff’ (that’s an NLP technical phrase by the way), why they feel like they haven’t achieved anything!
NLP is about having the end result or goal in mind before embarking any activity. It’s also about having a simple and effective strategy or step by step process for achieving excellence.
So here’s a really quick and simple way that I find helps me get what I need to get done during the day (and the week), and to feel good at the end of each day about achieving everything I set out to do.
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