When we are falling asleep, our brain waves naturally slow down in frequency from the beta level through alpha, theta and then delta. But how can your brain naturally slow down when you’re constantly thinking about things – grinding the gears of your mind round and round is not conducive to falling off to sleep.

So why does this happen? To answer that question, let’s touch briefly on where our thoughts come from. Thoughts, in the form of pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells and internal dialogue (self talk), are all generated from within us and come from our Unconscious Mind. Our Unconscious Mind is that part of our mind that:
- Runs and preserves our body (fights bacteria, digests our food, beats our heart etc…),
- Is the domain of the emotions (generates emotions – the good and the bad),
- Stores all our beliefs, values and memories from our life,
- Represses memories with unresolved negative emotions attached to them and
- Presents these memories with unresolved negative emotions to the conscious mind for resolution.
When you are thinking about something constantly, it’s just your Unconscious Mind wanting you to listen and learn something. In NLP, we believe that your Unconscious Mind has the answers you are looking for. It just wants to know you are listening and prepared to acknowledge what it is trying to tell you. That’s why it’s not letting you go to sleep yet.
With this technique you’re not necessarily going to resolve your problems right there and then, but just the fact that you are listening and respecting that part of you, it may just go ahead and resolve the issue all of it’s own accord. So if you are ready to learn this effective technique and gain the benefits... lets go!
Click Here to read the Process.
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